Lancaster John O' Gaunt Rowing Club and Lancaster Schools' Rowing Association





Club Rules


Committee, from March AGM 2011

PresidentDoug Melvin
Chairman and Volunteer Co-ordinatorNeil Wigglesworth
Club Captain and Junior Co-ordinator Steven Sullivan
Vice Captain, Publicity Officer and Fundrasing CoordinatorAaron Sims
SecretaryLaura Griffiths
TreasurerSteven Holmes
Welfare OfficerLorna Sullivan
Safety AdvisorMatt Wilkinson
Equipment Officer and Explore Rowing CoordinatorIain Taylor
Assistant Equipment OfficerIan Davidson
Social SecretaryAnnie Barsoum
Building and Grounds ManagerMatt Birchall
Non-Executive MemberPhil Bell


Roles and Responsibilities

Direct the development, implementation, review and updating of the Club's strategy and development plan.

Communicate the club strategy and delivery rate to all club members.

Present the public face of the club.

Chair the committee meetings including the annual general meeting.

Key Activities

Chair the committee meetings. Ensure all members of the committee have an opportunity to air their views; that the meetings stick to the agenda, ensuring that where necessary a discussion is brought to a conclusion and agreement reached on the next step. Where a vote is drawn the chairman has the deciding vote.

Work with the committee, directing the development of the Club's strategy and implementation of its plan.

Communicate the club strategy and delivery rate to all members.

Provide advice and support to the Captains when sought.

Canvas members' opinions and forward these to the committee where appropriate.

Support the Captain in terms of proper use of equipment.

Ensure any safety concerns are reported to the Safety Officer.

Ensure any accident witnessed or heard about are correctly reported.

Ensure the club constitution and rules are abided by.

Act as host for the annual dinner.

Experience Required

Ideally has worked on the John O' Gaunt Rowing Club committee, or that of another club, and this has experience of resolving issues that arise in rowing clubs.

Is familiar with how a committee should work together.

Has the confidence to chair committee meetings.

Club Captain

Roles and Responsibilities

Management of boat allocation and usage in conjunction with vice-captains and junior co-ordinator.

Manage Regatta and Head Entries in conjunction with vice-captains and junior co-ordinator.

Ensure the coaching programme is managed, matching crews to available coaches in conjunction with vice-captains and junior co-ordinator.

Ensure training sessions are managed and that all club members have access to planned training programmes.

Key Activities

Work with the Vice-Captains and squad coordinators to organise squads/crews to ensure all members are able to row.

Report progress against development, coaching and training plans to committee meetings & AGM.

Allocate equipment to crews and ensure all club members are aware of decision (Captains Notice Board for hard copy).

Co-ordinate with the Vice-Captains, Squad Representatives and Entries Secretary that all entries to Regatta and Head events have been checked, signed and entered on time to an acceptable standard, using Online Entry System and/or using Official Entry Form.

Ensure that transport is organised to events and ensure that Regatta, Head and trailing fees are collected in conjunction with vice-captains and junior co-ordinator.

Prepare a rolling budget for purchase of new equipment with the Committee.

Maintain Captain's Notice Board.

Ensure that Lancaster Regatta, Lancaster Head, Red Rose Heads, Red Rose Sprint, Youth Games, Roses, Francis Russell and Ralph Cup take place.

Canvas members' opinions and forward these to the committee where appropriate.

Ensure any safety concerns are reported to the Safety Officer.

Ensure any accident witnessed or heard about is correctly reported.

Ensure that the constitution and rules are abided by.

Ensure that the Club is represented at the North-Western Rowing Council.

Make the Captain's speech at the Club's Annual Dinner.

Experience Required

Ideally has worked on the John O' Gaunt Rowing Club committee, or that of another club, and this has experience of the issues facing the Captain.

Can communicate with Club members.

A working knowledge of the John O' Gaunt Rowing Club fleet of equipment.

Some knowledge of the fundamentals of rowing and competing.

Is familiar with how a committee should work together.

Can develop and lead teams.

Has a working knowledge of British Rowing and its rules of racing.

Is familiar with the preparation of club entries to regattas and head races.

Men's Captain

Roles and Responsibilities

Support the Club Captain.

Ensure that Veteran, Senior and Novice Men's rowing is managed.

Ensure that recreational rowing is managed in conjunction with other vice-captain and junior co-ordinator.

Ensure that the land-training and coaching programmes are managed in conjunction with other vice-captain and junior co-ordinator.

Key Activities

Ensure that Veteran, Senior and Novice men members are organised into squads/crews to ensure all bums on seats.

Work with the Captain to allocate equipment for crews.

Support the Captain in submission of entries to Regattas and Heads that have been checked, and entered on time to an acceptable standard.

Ensure that a plan is developed and implemented for recreational rowing.

Support the Captain in preparing a rolling budget for purchase of new equipment.

Ensure that the land-training programme is managed.

Assist the Captain in organising the Club Scratch Regattas, Flotilla, and regular Club Head races.

Canvas members' opinion and forward these to the committee where appropriate.

Ensure any safety concerns are reported to the safety officer.

Ensure any accidents witnessed or heard about are correctly reported.

Ensure the constitution and rules are abided by.

Experience Required

Ideally has worked on the John O' Gaunt Rowing Club committee, or that of another club, and thus has experience of the issues that will need to be resolved.

Can communicate with Club members.

A working knowledge of the John O' Gaunt Rowing Club fleet of equipment.

Some knowledge of the fundamentals of rowing and competing.

Is familiar with how a committee should work together.

Can develop and lead teams.

Has a working knowledge of British Rowing and its rules of racing.

Is familiar with the preparation of club entries to regattas and head races.

Women's Captain

Roles and Responsibilities

Support the Club Captain.

Ensure that Veteran, Senior and Novice Women's rowing is managed.

Ensure that recreational rowing is managed in conjunction with other vice-captain and junior co-ordinator.

Ensure that the land-training and coaching programmes are managed in conjunction with other vice-captain and junior co-ordinator.

Key Activities

Ensure that Veteran, Senior and Novice Women members are organised into squads/crews to ensure all bums on seats.

Work with the Captain to allocate equipment for crews.

Support the Captain in submission of entries to Regattas and Heads that have been checked, and entered on time to an acceptable standard.

Ensure that a plan is developed and implemented for recreational rowing.

Support the Captain in preparing a rolling budget for purchase of new equipment.

Ensure that the land-training programme is managed.

Assist the Captain in organising the Club Scratch Regattas, Flotilla, and regular Club Head races.

Canvas members' opinion and forward these to the committee where appropriate.

Ensure any safety concerns are reported to the safety officer.

Ensure any accidents witnessed or heard about are correctly reported.

Ensure the constitution and rules are abided by.

Experience Required

Ideally has worked on the John O' Gaunt Rowing Club committee, or that of another club, and thus has experience of the issues that will need to be resolved.

Can communicate with Club members.

A working knowledge of the John O' Gaunt Rowing Club fleet of equipment.

Some knowledge of the fundamentals of rowing and competing.

Is familiar with how a committee should work together.

Can develop and lead teams.

Has a working knowledge of the British Rowing and its rules of racing.

Is familiar with the preparation of club entries to regattas and head races.


Roles and Responsibilities

Ensure the club is meeting its legal obligations.

Act as the John O' Gaunt Rowing Club contact with the British Rowing for administration purposes.

Receives all John O' Gaunt Rowing Club mail and reports to the committee or publicise to all club members as required.

Ensure that monthly committee meeting minutes are written up.

Ensure an up to date list of current members and contact addresses are kept.

Key Activities

Co-ordinate and disseminate correspondence.

Ensure that a database of members' addresses, British Rowing numbers, points, DOBs and medical conditions is maintained.

Keep AGM and committee meeting minutes, produce agendas and co-ordinate any preparation for meetings. Prepare AGM election details.

Notify membership of changes to bye-laws, membership subscription rates, etc.

Maintain regatta posters notice board.

Maintain supply of John O' Gaunt Rowing Club membership and British Rowing forms.

Ensure Ariadne club is maintained and organised.

Canvas members' opinion and forward these to the committee where appropriate.

Ensure any safety concerns are reported to the safety officer.

Ensure any accidents witnessed or heard about are correctly reported.

Ensure the constitution and rules are abided by.

Nominate a Representative of the Club to sit on the North-Western Rowing Council.

Provide Club's links with the Police.

Experience Required

Ideally has worked on the John O' Gaunt Rowing Club committee, or that of another club, and thus has experience of the issues facing the Secretary.

Can communicate with Club members.

Is familiar with how a committee should work together.

Is familiar with developing and maintaining databases.


Roles and Responsibilities

Manage John O' Gaunt Rowing Club accounts and ensure they are audited.

Ensure the John O' Gaunt Rowing Club committee is aware of the current financial status of the club and advise of money available for future spending requirements.

Ensure the John O' Gaunt Rowing Club bills are paid as required,

Prepare an annual budget for the club and recommend the level of membership subscription.

Key Activities

Measure and analyse the financial performance of the club against the agreed budgets and report on it to the committee meetings.

Look after payment and renewal of insurance and any fees to regulatory bodies

Through consultation with the committee prepare an annual budget for presentation to the club membership at the AGM.

Prepare accounts and arrange an annual audit.

Provide floats for club functions and regattas.

Ensure all creditors are paid.

Resolve financial problems.

Canvas members' opinion and forward these to the committee where appropriate.

Ensure any safety concerns are reported to the safety officer.

Ensure any accidents witnessed or heard about are correctly reported.

Ensure the constitution and rules are abided by.

Experience Required

Ideally has worked on the John O' Gaunt Rowing Club committee, or that of another club, and thus has experience of the issues facing the Treasurer

Can communicate with Club members

Is familiar with how a committee should work together.

Is numerate and has access to a computer.

Has the ability to write letters on behalf of John O' Gaunt Rowing Club.

Is considered to be trustworthy where money is concerned.

Is familiar with the preparation of club accounts.

Safety Advisor

Roles and Responsibilities

Establish the standards for safe rowing at John O' Gaunt Rowing Club.

Ensure those standards align with those of the national governing body, British Rowing, and other key stakeholders.

Encourage members to act in a safe manner and that they report any incidents.

Ensure that the safety performance at John O' Gaunt Rowing Club is regularly reviewed.

Ensure that any learning points from events at John O' Gaunt Rowing Club or elsewhere are used at the club as appropriate.

Key Activities

Organise regular audits of club facilities, equipment and arrangements.

Ensure that actions raised during these audits are communicated and completed.

Keep a record of these audits.

Ensure the John O' Gaunt Rowing Club Safety Code and other safety documentation is regularly reviewed.

Communicate any new information to club members via website, email and safety Notice Board.

Ensure appropriate safety training is provided including organising regular swim tests and capsize drills.

Ensure that the safety features of boats are inspected at appropriate intervals.

Ensure that safety equipment is inspected and serviced at appropriate intervals.

Liaise with British Rowing and North-Western Rowing Council on safety matters.

Ensure that the Incident Log is used and incidents are reported accordingly.

Report on Safety matters to the committee and advise them on appropriate courses of action as necessary.

Experience Required

Ideally has rowed, coached or been an active supporter and thus has experience of the safety issues faced in rowing.

An understanding of the importance of safety.

Junior Co-ordinator

Roles and Responsibilities

Develop a framework and performance pathway for Junior rowing at John O' Gaunt Rowing Club.

Ensure all compliance requirements regarding Participant Welfare are met.

Ensure representation of John O' Gaunt Rowing Club at the North-Western Rowing Council.

Will liase with British Rowing, Local Authoirty and Sport England

Key Activities

Develop, implement and review a performance pathway that enables a Junior to progress from beginner to National Standard.

Act as the primary contact for World Class Start activities.

Ensure there is a training programme matched to each individual and crew needs.

Provide every Junior with Coaching support.

Provide a friendly, safe and secure environment within enables all Juniors to enjoy their rowing activities.

Encourage all Junior participants and volunteers to maintain equipment to the required standard, seeking suitable training where appropriate.

Match equipment to participants' needs and ability levels.

Maintain a database of Junior participants that includes their swimming competency, medical conditions, anthropometric measurements, emergency contact details, rowing/sculling competency and relevant qualifications.

Maintain a database of equipment that is appropriate for use by Juniors.

Ensure there is a current database of all volunteers involved with the John O' Gaunt Rowing Club Junior rowing programmes, which includes a record of all current required checks.

Develop an annual programme of Junior social and rowing activities.

Experience Required

Attendance at an British Rowing Participant Welfare workshop.

A British Rowing Level 2 or IA holder as a minimum.

Social Secretary

Roles and Responsibilities

To organise and co–ordinate social activities for club members.

To facilitate participation across all elements of the club and gear events appropriately.

Key Activities

To organise a minimum of three yearly events and aim to develop regular social activities across the year.

To organise events that engage all members of the club.

Provide good quality events that justify the running cost and any costs to members.

To ensure that events break even and are run at no additional cost to the club.

To work with other members of the club to organise fundraising and social events and delegate jobs where appropriate.

To make full use of the club facilities and the bar, and support the centre where ever possible.

Support the Annual Dinner Organiser with the co-ordination of the event.

To submit full accounts for each event to the committee and provide a social report for each committee meeting.

Welfare Officer

Roles and Responsibilities

To be the first point of contact for staff, volunteers, parents and young people where concerns about welfare, poor practice or child abuse are identified.

Implement the club’s reporting and recording procedures.

Promote the club’s best practice guidance/code of ethics within the club.

Assist the club to fulfil its responsibilities to safeguard young people.

Assist the club to implement its child welfare implementation plan (to be written).

Assist volunteers in keeping their certificates and qualifications up to date.

Sit on the club’s management committee.

Ensure confidentiality is maintained.

Promote anti-discriminatory practice.

Be the first point of contact with British Rowing Welfare Officer.

Maintain contact details for local social services, police and the Local Safeguarding Children Boards (LSCB) in case of an emergency.

Experience and Knowledge

Knowledge of the club’s policy and procedures related to safeguarding and protecting young people.

Knowledge of the club’s role and responsibilities to safeguard the welfare of young people – boundaries of the club welfare officer role.

Knowledge of the 'British Rowing's Safeguarding and Protecting Children Policy.'

Basic knowledge of roles and responsibilities of local statutory agencies (social services, police and Local Safeguarding Children Board). This can be gained through training. The Welfare Officer should have full contact details for their local agencies.

Awareness of equalities issues and child protection.

Basic knowledge of core legislation, government guidance and national framework for child protection - This can be gained through training.



Child focused.

Basic administration.

Basic advice and support provision.


Maintain records.

Ability to promote organisation’s policy, procedures and resources.


Volunteer Co-ordinator

Roles and Responsibilities

Supervise/ oversee all club volunteers.

Ensure that opportunities for feedback and training are provided.

Act as the main contact for all volunteers.

Liase with the Chairperson to ensure that all tasks required to run the club efficiently are carried out.

Ensure that each task has been assigned to a volunteer.

Ensure that each volunteer understands their job and their role within the organisation.

Get to know all club volunteers and potential volunteers by name.

Ensure that all jobs have a job description - consult volunteers and executive committee to write job descriptions.

Motivate volunteers through recognition and feedback.

Co-ordinate the 'volunteer of the year' award.

Co-ordinate the implementation of the volunteer recruitment plan.

Annually monitor and evaluate the plan for effectiveness, and report back to the committee.

Experience and Knowledge

Ideally has worked on the John O' Gaunt Rowing Club committee, or that of another club, and this has experience of the issues facing the Volunteer coordinator.

Is familiar with how a committee should work together.

Can develop and lead teams.


Approachable and a good listener.

Well organised.

Able to delegate.

Confident and effective communicator.

Enthusiastic and a good motivator.

Tactful and discrete.

Prepared to make a regular time commitment.

Publicity Officer

Roles and Responsibilities

Ensure that John O’Gaunt RC is advertised often in local and national media

Key Acivities

Market the club in local and national media

Write or allocate club members to write accurate race report articles for events the club attends

Work with the Fundraising Coordinator to promote any events organised by the club

Work with the Captains to promote the club to recruit new members from the City of Lancaster, the University of Cumbria, Lancaster University and the Lancaster Schools Sport Partnership

Experienced Required

Experience in writing sport reports

Familiarity with crews entered for each event attended by the club

Can communicate with club members

Knowledge of the fundamentals of rowing and competing

Fundraiser Coordinator

Roles and Responsibilities

Ensure the raising of additional revenue to the club through fundraising

Ensure the involvement of all groups of the club in participating in events

Ensure all fundraising is done legally

Key Activities

Organise and run fundraising events throughout the year through sponsorship or collection events in and around the local area

Organise events that involve all senior, junior, student and veteran squads of the club

Work with the Publicity Officer to promote any events organised by the club

Experienced Required

Previous fundraising experience

Good people organisational skills

Good money management